xbox one mod chip

Xbox One Mod Chip for Xbox One S and Xbox One X

New Microsoft Xbox One S and Xbox One X Mod Chip

Is this the new Xecuter 3 mod chip?

This new Xbox One S and Xbox One X mod Chip is a top secret project from team BluTeck.

Using an accelerated bespoke GPU developed in secret with AMD and Team Executer, the BlueTeck mod chip is due for release on 1st April 2022.

Initially completing testing in late 2021, various beta models have been issued to gaming tech influencers.  

xbox one mod chip

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Xbox One S and X Mod Chip

How to install?

This amazingly small but powerful brand new mod chip requires 8 wires to install across various key components on the Xbox One S or Xbox One X motherboard.

All you need is a little soldering skills and a soldering iron.

Check out our video on how to install this powerful mod chip.

Where to buy?

Okay, its time to come clean… 

This “amazing” mod chip is actually a hoax and a little social experiment we are running – happy April fools!  We hope you enjoyed having some fun with us.

And finally...

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